Nih lagi2 applikasi atau software flooder dan kicker mig33 yang aq share lagi...tapi aq jamin applikasi yang ini ampuh banget buat bom...buat para migger yang tidak bisa menginstal applikasio ini mungkin belum menginstall file ocx-nya,jadi harap di install dulu ya..
= 10x 2 multy set
= login set 10 to 100
= alphabet kick
= kick on click list
= room chat
= emoticons
= manual target
= duel kick & flood
= auto flood with interval
= flood template
= add room list
= target list
= friends (protect) list
= multy chat
= room spy
= resolve ip
= roll flooder with status
= balance checker
= multy status with password
= balance transfer
= unlimited football , knockout & hot
= unlimited roll flooder (Text,Bot roll)
= auto kick, vote, leave, enter, greet, interval getlist, update userlist
= 10x 2 multy set
= login set 10 to 100
= alphabet kick
= kick on click list
= room chat
= emoticons
= manual target
= duel kick & flood
= auto flood with interval
= flood template
= add room list
= target list
= friends (protect) list
= multy chat
= room spy
= resolve ip
= roll flooder with status
= balance checker
= multy status with password
= balance transfer
= unlimited football , knockout & hot
= unlimited roll flooder (Text,Bot roll)
= auto kick, vote, leave, enter, greet, interval getlist, update userlist
cara aktipasinya gmnana gan