Applikasi Ij-Mix v2.0

Helo neh applikasi mig33 buat hp kamu lagi,buat koleksi applikasi mig33 kamu juga gk apa2 he he he...silankan sedot aja ya sob...yang pasti chating mig33 lebih semangat jika ada applikasi sepertyi ini,banyak fittur juga dari app ini untuk lebih jelasnya lihat fitur2nya dibawah...

Applikasi Ij-Mix v2.0

Main Feature:
* Its a form of swify v3.4, however it has some additional features of its own

Basic feature is as follows:
* Swift Menu with all features
* ij-Store v2(All in One)
* Flooding with single line
* Auto Like
* Swift Like
* Advertisment Msg
* Auto Welcome (you can put your own msg. and it will show in normal(black) color)
* Snap Shot
* Auto Reply
* Auto Left from the room when someone start a kick to kick you
* Auto ban multi series ids
* Multy ids support (3 in 1) enter togather

***Now you can find all features in one app.***

NB: Changed Commands:
* For Flooding (.ij)
* For Advertise (.ad)
* For Setting Menu (.s)
* For Auto Like (.l) {not swift like}
* For Swift Like (.lk)

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[Download from HP]


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